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مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر نشاط المنشورات حول

  • I am going home tonight once I am done with work. Recently I feel as if I lack some entertainment in my routine of work and life. Life somehow looks dull in my view in one way or another. I do not feel enthusiastic to return back to home as usual. I do not know why; however, it happens sometimes. Do I need to go and try things I have not done before? I am not sure.
    There is another explanation. It is that I do not feel sad. A weird answer, is not it?
    If you were me, I wonder what would you say?
    I do not feel like writing, but I'd love to write to you
    Have Sweet dreams
    When you arrive, the sun vanishes behind a veil of jealousy!
    How does it sound?

    If you were to be offered to supervise an English club online, would you agree?
    I hope you will not get boared!
    I know that your job is stiffling you, but if you have the time it would be nice to speak your mind loud. You may write whatever comes to your mind and I will make it sure to answer you back!
    السلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته
    أختك المتمردة تقرؤك السلام وغادرت
    لم؟ لا أدري!
    ربما لسفر أو حياة خاصة تمنعها من الاستمرار
    تواصلي معها رجاء
    وعلى الأقل جلسي لا تسوي مثلها
    يشرفني مرورك العطر على مواضيعي وإذا سألتيني عن وصلات المواضيع أقولك ما خلصني أنسخهن فلذا أترك مهمة البحث لك
    وبوجودك يطيب لنا المقام
    You yourself are a story. Vanishing suddenly without telling us when you are coming back again is a bad habit you know. And your friend disappeared as well and never been heard from here in the forum
    Anyway, thanks for showing up, though I myself was a way for a while. Last week, a sand storm mixed with rain blew at Thursday early morning.. I assume you sensed it…
    That’s all what I have, what about you?
    Drag that rebellious girl here even if by force
    See you in another round
    Thanks, she, as you anticipated, came hurriedly. I hope she enjoy herself as much we do
    Regarding your job, If you are interested, how about you apply in ‘Muscat Daily?’ just submit your C.V personally for a reporter or even a translator position. The location is in Rewui. But I am telling you from the beginning, the wages are not high, and the day off may not necessarily on Thu and Fri
    I do not miss it sis. I do not want a holy war to break out because of me and you. Its scale may be unpredictable and either me or you going to be victorious.
    When you say that I still astonish you, shall I deem it as a compliment? Your portrait in my head is still messy. I know that you do not mean it to scare little brats, but do not overdo it, else their guts will be scared. I, myself, at least feel the same. But no worries sis, I know that you’re not a bad person. I, at least, vehemently know this
    By the way, how is your new recruitment? I am about to shift to the newspaper
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


    لأ تحزن اذا منع الله عنكِ شيئَا تحبه
    فلو علمتم كيف يدير الله أموركم ..
    لـ ذابت قلوبكم من محبته ()

    . [[IMG] ] .
    Yes, as it said literally in Arabic: on the expert you fell on. If you mean by brats those armature writers in the forums, I will suggest that you ignore them as if they are not existed. That will wipe their pride completely. However, if you mean by brats little children, then I suggest you to show them hell not to underestimate you in the future. But if they are spoiled, I cannot say much since we were spoiled by our parents when we were at their age. I have a nephew and a niece. Though I am getting annoyed by their behavior sometimes, I cannot bear to hear their cry. Have you read my piece in my topic 'Let Us all Write'? there you will find a writing about my niece
    Anything else, do not hesitate to write to me
    By the way, I do not want to miss your presence at the forum, so please be one of the pillars that will support the English Section. I am fan of you anyway
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